Monday, April 30, 2012

The Worst Office Ever

The Worst Office Ever:
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Monday, April 23, 2012

The Creation – part 3

The Creation – part 3:

Just When You Think It’s All Clear…

Just When You Think It’s All Clear…:
Just When You Think It’s All Clear…
I was going to post this over the weekend, but I didn’t have the time. Seriously. Art imitating life imitating art.
It’s actually been a few weeks since I have fired up any console to do more than play our Friday night family movie. But don’t cry for me Argentina, it’s not as if my life has been completely devoid of gaming. I finished Shantae: Risky’s Revenge for the iPhone last week and have been pounding through the achievements for Wizorb on Steam over the past month…I’m currently at 15 out of 20 and I have a global ranking in the game of #18. With that said, I only played Shantae: Risky’s Revenge for about four hours and my grand total for Wizorb stands at under eight. Which gives me an average of twenty-four minutes of gaming a day for the last calendar month. Not bad or is it.
Obviously things change and so does what and when we can do it. I think as early as four years ago I was able to squeeze in one to two hours of gaming a night on weekdays and anywhere from four to six hours of gaming on the weekends. That averages to be about 80 hours a month of gaming time or two hours and forty-five minutes of gaming a day.
Am I bitter? Not really. Do I miss it? Most definitely. But since spending time with and providing for my family is the main reasons for my overall lack of time to game, at least there’s a good reason why.